[Infographic] The reasons you should 'run away' from work on weekends

If you're one of the millions of hardworking and hardworking people on weekends, follow the infographic that Quantrimang has compiled here, 14 scientific reasons you should give yourself a breath.

Taking the time to rest, "disconnect" yourself from work is good for your body, mind and relationships. However, according to a recent study, an average American only uses up to half of the vacation days they enjoy due to being too busy with work, even working without holidays and seamlessly over the last days. week.

If you are one of millions of hard-working and hardworking people, then follow the infographic that Quantrimang has compiled here, 14 reasons for science you should let yourself relax on the weekends.

[Infographic] The reasons you should 'run away' from work on weekends Picture 1[Infographic] The reasons you should 'run away' from work on weekends Picture 1 [Infographic] The reasons you should 'run away' from work on weekends Picture 2[Infographic] The reasons you should 'run away' from work on weekends Picture 2

14 reasons you should "get rid of" work on weekends

1. Take a break to help you work more effectively

A report from The Business Roundtable found that working 60 hours a week for 2 months reduced productivity, equivalent to 40 hours a week.

2. Your brain must work even if it is in an inactive state

Studies have shown that the human brain has important processes to handle while "restful rest - wakeful rest", which can improve memory and solve brain problems.

3. Reasonable rest can help you enjoy your work

Researchers have forced a group of workaholics to reduce working time and rest more often. After that, they reported progress, they felt more satisfied with their work and gained a balance of work with life, more likely to stay with the company longer.

4. The assessment of your performance capacity is enhanced

According to an internal study by Ernst & Young, taking an extra 10-hour break with holidays or vacation days will improve an employee's 8% year-end performance rating.

5. Sitting too much while working can reduce life expectancy

A 12-year study by The Women's Health Initiative says that women can suffer from reduced lifespan if they sit for too long and long periods of time.

6. Holidays are just a temporary solution of a relaxing break

Truly we need to take breaks to relax, save "sweet memories" or periods of mental comfort. However, the "break breaks" for the job will only benefit you in about 2-4 weeks. So weekends are always the time you need to refresh yourself.

7. Overtime work is frustrating

There are many reasons for depression in work such as socializing with relationships, increasing stress in work, overtime and working long hours that your mind is overloaded. " exceed.

8. Changing scenes makes you more creative

Make sure that taking the time to get out and explore the different cultures will help you improve your creativity, improve your matching skills and create ideas.

9. Great relaxation for improving business costs

It seems unreasonable but the work stress has cost Americans 382 billion dollars a year because of illness, absence and productivity reduction.

10. Work is the number one cause of insomnia

61% of adults have jobs that sleep less than 6 hours a day. This affects extremely bad health, causing diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes

11. The more work, the more stress

Studies show that the density of cortisol - a stress-related hormone - significantly increases after waking up on a working day compared to a day of rest.

12. Many computer use leads to eye diseases

Using a large computer will cause certain damage to the eyes, eye strain, glaucoma, and even blindness.

13. Working long hours causes cardiovascular problems

A study of 395 men aged 30 to 69 showed that working more than 11 hours a day could double the chance of having a heart attack.

14. Stress your work to make your relationships worse

A psychological study shows that a spouse is stressed because the job will be less intimate, uncomfortable with more dependence and anxiety in their relationships.

10 ways to help you "get out" of work

1. "Switch off" yourself on weekends

Use personal and work phone numbers separately. Let the manager know that you will not use it on the weekend. Keep equipment for work in a drawer so you can't check it.

2. Find a place to help you "escape" from work

Maybe a cafe for you to relax, or a picnic with family and friends. Maintain this habit to get out of the business.

3. Create a to-do list of things to do for the new week

Instead of doing things instantly, you should prepare yourself a list of things to do to avoid being surprised and ready for everything.

4. Making weekends interesting

You will easily get caught up in your work if you're just hanging around at home on weekends. Maybe you should go out for a swim, or visit a scenic spot, or do sports. Wouldn't your weekend be boring?

5. Meditate

Meditate and focus your whole feelings, feelings and thoughts on a thing, thing and without any judgment in a given time. This can also improve your focus. Try it in 10 minutes!

6. Take care of your life

Try to flower, make cakes, or read a book, use a cup of coffee, listen to some music. Let's "color" your life, not just one job!

7. Stop hugging work

If the job requires you to work overtime, it's time to reconsider what you have to do. Get rid of things you don't like or overdo your ability and report back to your manager.

8. Find yourself a hobby

Find something so you can put your energy in, it will leave your mind away from work. You can get to know your new friends, or build other skills, for example!

9. There should be a separate area if you work from home

If you work from home, make arrangements to ensure the work area and family living area are not overlapping, affecting each other. Please use a private room and stay away from the computer and documents every weekend.

10. Turn off all types of notifications on the phone

Turning off alerts / notifications on your smartphone can reduce stress!

Working on weekends is both harmful to health and not working well. Listen to science and make the most of your weekend to relax and do what you like.

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